Children & Youth Corner

Dear Parents,

Our mission in the Children/Youth Department is to teach children of all ages about God while keeping them as safe as possible. We strive to have interesting classes with age appropriate lessons. Our teachers are members who have shown a knowledge of the Bible and a talent for working with kids. We ask parents to fill out a small information sheet that includes information like child’s name, child’s age, parents/guardians name, cell phone numbers, and any medical information such as allergies. We provide snacks for our children’s church and nursery classes. To help keep our children safe we need the information on allergies before your child attends either of these classes. We want to make sure that your child is safe and happy in our care.

Weekly Service Schedule

Sunday School for all age groups – 10:00 a.m.

Preaching – 11:00 a.m. – Children may go downstairs for class after announcements and music.  Children’s Church is for children age 4 to 8 years old. The first Sunday of each month children will stay in Worship for the full service (nursery is still available).

Nursery is for babies up to 3 years old and is available for all services.


Worship on Wednesdays!

All ages welcome! Come learn of God and His Word, grow in grace and make life-long friends!